Sleepless in Dallas done
Sleepless in Dallas is over and what a whirlwind weekend! My brain is still swimming from all the SharePoint knowledge jammed in over the past two days. At 11pm Sat night they gave us our overnight assignment. It was to create something to include in the CKS (Community Kit for SharePoint). For my team’s project we worked on adding functionality to SUSHI, which is the SharePoint utility that I’ve been working on for almost a year now and have made available to the SharePoint community for free on CodePlex . Unfortunately for me, the rules of the contest say that you can’t use what you’ve already built, so the only item that was entered into the contest was a couple small features that we added to SUSHI that night. However, they wanted to present special recognition for SUSHI and gave me the Community award for having created a utility for the SharePoint community. So far, the CodePlex sushi page has gotten 6,000 page views, and over...