The guestbook is back, new and improved!
After a 5 year outage, the guestbook is back!Please feel free to leave your thoughts, hellos, ideas, comments, poems, rants etc. Check this out, I just used internet archive to retrieve messages left on the old fluckiger guestbook . The old guestbook was up between 2002 and 2004. It is fun to see the comments, back then having a guestbook was a really cool impressive thing! I know a guestbook is an old fashioned thing. Old fashioned in Internet years which means anything over 5 years old. In 2002 I built a guestbook using 1.1 and an Microsoft Access database. My original guestbook at was pretty popular. This was before facebook and blog comments which make having your own guestbook seem kind of pointless. But this guestbook gave me a chance to flex my Silverlight muscles and is just the mustard seed. There is a lot of potential in Silverlight to bring back richness to human-computer interaction. We've been suffering through painful primiti...